Fairer Finance hosted this instalment of the Consumer Duty webinar Series on Wednesday 24th July 2024, with a discussion about the impact the Consumer Duty has had in it's first year, and what firms can expect from the next year. Our regular panel of Eve McGrady, Tim Hogg and James Daley discuss:

Real-World Examples: Discover what works and what doesn't with real-life examples of how firms have responded to the Consumer Duty.

Effective Consumer Testing Techniques: Understand how to implement most effective methods for consumer testing to improve your customer interactions and compliance.

Regulatory Analysis: Benefit from an in-depth analysis of the FCA’s approach to embedding Consumer Duty.

Future Outlook: Identify which sectors may come under increased scrutiny and prepare proactively for future regulatory changes.

This is an essential discussion to stay informed and empowered in your Consumer Duty journey.

If you'd like to discuss any of the Consumer Duty challenges you're working through, please email corporate@fairerfinance.com



Fairer Finance Fair Value Webinar 24th July 2024


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