Key features

  • Benchmark your products at a feature by feature level against the rest of the market - and against competitors.

  • See price data for the whole market to evaluate whether products are fairly priced relative to their features (currently available only for some insurance sectors). For bank account, credit card and investment sectors, use our cost scenarios to see how your products compare on our simulations of the likely cost to customers of using the product.

  • See how providers measure up on key service metrics, such as customer satisfaction, trust, transparency, and complaints performance. Get insight into the factors that lead to customer happiness, trends in customer polling over time, and how to improve transparency of customer journeys and terms and conditions.

  • Export reports in excel or pdf on how your products perform relative to the rest of the market or key competitors.

What can the Fair Value Report tool do?

Using our complete and continuously maintained datasets, our new Fair Value Report tool reveals areas where products excel or fall short on the comprehensiveness of their features, assisting providers with their FCA Consumer Duty compliance.

Each product can be broken down so every feature can be assessed against the market, or against specific competitors' products. This allows you to see where your products are falling down or standing out.

We rank every product on how comprehensive its features are and display them all in a league table. This makes it quick and easy to identify where a product sits and if its price is a fair reflection of its value.

Using our compare function you can see the breakdown of two products side by side.

The summary page shows a breakdown of every product your brand has in the sector, including the product prices and our unique service analysis. The export button at the top of the summary page creates a PDF with all of the summary information.

To help with data analysis we've added the ability to download each Fair Value Report as an Excel file. This tool works dynamically with the compare feature so that all the products being viewed at the time of export are included in the file for analysis.

Book a demo or a free trial

To arrange a demo of the Fair Value Report tool, or to arrange a free trial of the Fairer Finance Insight Portal, please do get in touch.