Our unique product ratings are designed to help you choose a quality funeral plan. We rate plans on the key features that are most important for the majority of customers.
We focus on core cover features, and don’t give extra marks for unnecessary bells and whistles. We also only give marks to features that are included as standard - not optional extras.
Please bear in mind we don’t rate by price and our ratings are not advice. You should do your own research to find cover that best suits your needs.
In order to achieve a 5 star rating, a prepaid funeral plan must:
Guarantee disbursement costs - these are things such as cremation fees, interment fees & minister's fees - or offer at least £1,200 worth of cover for cremations and £1,400 for burials. This cover would need to rise with CPI.
Cover funeral director's services.
Include a hearse
Include at least 4 pallbearers.
Include a coffin that is at least wood veneer quality.
Be able to collect the deceased 24 hours a day.
Include transporting the body to the funeral home up to 25 miles for free.
Allow family and friends to visit the body in the chapel of rest any time by appointment.
Allow the funeral to occur any time during normal working hours on a normal weekday.
Allow the customer to change the allocated funeral director without the risk of having to pay more.
Allow customers at least 30 days to cancel without having to pay a cancellation fee.
Have a cancellation fee less than £250.
Be from a provider which has a 24 hour contact phone line available so the body can be collected.
Cover the cost of the funeral if the customer dies before completing all installments
Not include any expiry clause