How we make our money
A message from James Daley.
A message from James Daley.
Fairer Finance’s ratings tables and advice are free for people to use – and we don’t take any kickbacks from companies for any links on our site
We pay for our research by selling access to the data which underpins our ratings via our Insight Portal. Companies can see data that relates to their own products for free, but they pay us to be able to see more depth, as well as to be able to compare themselves to others and to get market updates.
We also make money by helping companies improve their customer outcomes. We like to think of it as changing the industry for the better from the inside out. We have particular expertise in embedding the Consumer Duty, through evidencing consumer understanding and fair value - part of fulfilling our mission to make financial services fairer. But we also offer a range of other research and consultancy services. You can read all about them in the business section of our website.
Finally, we make money by selling our Fairer Finance ribbons and star ratings to companies who do well in our tables. Companies who win a gold, silver or bronze ribbon - or a four or five star product rating - can buy a licence to use our endorsement on their website or in their marketing material. Whether a company chooses to buy our endorsement has no bearing on where they appear in our tables, or whether they are included. Our research is independent, and our Consumer Advisory Board is given the task of verifying that we don’t manipulate the data to serve our own commercial interests.
Fairer Finance's three largest shareholders are its two founders James Daley and Andrew Freeman, and our polling partner, Opinium. Together, we own around 92.5% of the business. In 2021, we raised money by selling shares in the company, and now have 245 new private investors who own the remaining 7.5% of our company.
We use some of the profits we make to pay for our campaigning work and to grow our business.
James Daley
Managing director, Fairer Finance