Dodl by AJ Bell

Dodl by AJ Bell
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Investing and pensions

Ready-made Ethical General Investment Accounts

Dodl by AJ Bell

Dodl by AJ Bell Responsible Fund

5 stars
Cost (Year 1) i £300.00
Account closure fee £0.00
Charge for transferring investments to another platform i £0.00
Does the provider have a mobile app?
Charge for selling holdings if not enough money in account for charges £0.00
Completing paper applications
Cash withdrawal by BACs £0.00
Same day payment/payment by CHAPs £0.00
Early account closure fee £0.00
Cost of receiving paper statements for a year
Charge for transferring cash to another platform i £0.00

Ready-made Ethical Lifetime ISAs

Ready-made Ethical Personal Pensions

Dodl by AJ Bell

Dodl by AJ Bell Responsible Fund

5 stars
Cost (Year 1) i £600.00
Account closure fee £0.00
Charge for transferring investments to another platform i £0.00
Does the provider have a mobile app?
Charge for selling holdings if not enough money in account for charges £0.00
Completing paper applications
Cash withdrawal by BACs £0.00
Same day payment/payment by CHAPs £0.00
Early account closure fee £0.00
Cost of receiving paper statements for a year
Charge for transferring cash to another platform i £0.00

Ready-made Ethical Stocks and Shares ISAs

Dodl by AJ Bell

Dodl by AJ Bell Responsible Fund

5 stars
Cost (Year 1) i £300.00
Account closure fee £0.00
Charge for transferring investments to another platform i £0.00
Is there a mobile app?
Charge for selling holdings if not enough money in account for charges £0.00
Completing paper applications
Cash withdrawal by BACs £0.00
Same day payment/payment by CHAPs £0.00
Early account closure fee £0.00
Cost of receiving paper statements for a year
Charge for transferring cash to another platform i £0.00

Ready-made General Investment Accounts

Dodl by AJ Bell

Dodl by AJ Bell Growth Funds

5 stars
Cost (Year 1) i £230.00
Account closure fee £0.00
Charge for transferring investments to another platform i £0.00
Does the provider have a mobile app?
Charge for selling holdings if not enough money in account for charges £0.00
Completing paper applications
Cash withdrawal by BACs £0.00
Same day payment/payment by CHAPs £0.00
Early account closure fee £0.00
Cost of receiving paper statements for a year
Charge for transferring cash to another platform i £0.00

Ready-made Lifetime ISAs

Ready-made Personal Pensions

Dodl by AJ Bell

Dodl by AJ Bell Growth Funds

5 stars
Cost (Year 1) i £460.00
Account closure fee £0.00
Charge for transferring investments to another platform i £0.00
Does the provider have a mobile app?
Charge for selling holdings if not enough money in account for charges £0.00
Completing paper applications
Cash withdrawal by BACs £0.00
Same day payment/payment by CHAPs £0.00
Early account closure fee £0.00
Cost of receiving paper statements for a year
Charge for transferring cash to another platform i £0.00

Ready-made Stocks and Shares ISAs

Dodl by AJ Bell

Dodl by AJ Bell Growth Funds

5 stars
Cost (Year 1) i £230.00
Account closure fee £0.00
Charge for transferring investments to another platform i £0.00
Is there a mobile app?
Charge for selling holdings if not enough money in account for charges £0.00
Completing paper applications
Cash withdrawal by BACs £0.00
Same day payment/payment by CHAPs £0.00
Early account closure fee £0.00
Cost of receiving paper statements for a year
Charge for transferring cash to another platform i £0.00